スペイン語教室 > スペイン語先生一覧 > 中央線(快速) > 四ツ谷
スペイン語教室 四ツ谷カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to pursue my dreams, so I left my job in London and came to Japan. I was looking for a new challenge! |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hello! My name is Diana and I'm from Spain. I love other cultures, specially Asian cultures and languages. I studied Japanese in Tokyo for 2 years, then studied dance, and now ... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to pursue my dreams, so I left my job in London and came to Japan. I was looking for a new challenge! |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
If you are interested in knowing more about other cultures,languages and people , please contact with me. I can help you fulfill your objectives. スペイン語またはポルトガル語に興味ありましたら遠慮せずご連絡く... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I've always like to come to Japan to know the culture and the language. I really love kanjis! And the food is amazing! I become teacher because I like helping people learning other languages, like english or spanish. And also share our culture, it's very interesting. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
HI! I am Nieves from Spain and I would like to teach my language and share also our spanish culture! Since I came here I taught spanish to many people, and also children Than... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I've always like to come to Japan to know the culture and the language. I really love kanjis! And the food is amazing! I become teacher because I like helping people learning other languages, like english or spanish. And also share our culture, it's very interesting. |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
Personal circumstances, education, safety and my love for the country and the most polite people in the world. I want to be in Japan for a long term, so learning Japanese is a must for my life. As I want to become fluent in Japanese and be successful in Japan, I want to give in return something to those interested in Spain and Latinomerica. As not many Spanish speakers are in Japan I want to teach and show the language to those interested and encourage them to live Japan and meet in a more in deeth engagement other parts of the world. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hello, I am FELIPE I'm stoked to team up with you and make learning English/Spanish a blast. Whether you're aiming to ace exams or just want to nail down those tricky grammar r... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
Personal circumstances, education, safety and my love for the country and the most polite people in the world. I want to be in Japan for a long term, so learning Japanese is a must for my life. As I want to become fluent in Japanese and be successful in Japan, I want to give in return something to those interested in Spain and Latinomerica. As not many Spanish speakers are in Japan I want to teach and show the language to those interested and encourage them to live Japan and meet in a more in deeth engagement other parts of the world. |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study japanese, and live in a country completely different to mine |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hola! こんにちは。マルコスといいます。 東京に住んでいるスペイン人です。 マドリドから来ました。 日本に来たまえに、ロンドンにも10年住んでいました。 色々な文化と言語が好きで、いつも新しい言語を勉強しています。 イタリア語も話せます。 自分の経験を、同じ興味を持っている人にシェアできたら楽しいなあと思いますので、文化と言語の教師になり... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study japanese, and live in a country completely different to mine |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan to study my Ph.D. in Informations Science. I want to teach Spanish because I would like more people can go to Latin America and enjoy its culture. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
I would like to share my culture and language with you! I will teach you Spanish and English to use in every moment! Spanish is one of the biggest languages in the world! Let'... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan to study my Ph.D. in Informations Science. I want to teach Spanish because I would like more people can go to Latin America and enjoy its culture. |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I mainly enjoy all cultures at abroad. I believe language can make anyone very closer to the culture of any nation. From that motivation, I started to learn Spanish and really love to teach students in English |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
I am Feroz Ahmed, Bangladesh is my home country, I am a professional landscape photographer. I really love to explore the whole Japan because of Japanese rich, ancient, Samurai c... |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I mainly enjoy all cultures at abroad. I believe language can make anyone very closer to the culture of any nation. From that motivation, I started to learn Spanish and really love to teach students in English |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study here in Japan. I want to use my ability of speaking Spanish to not forget and I want many people to love this language. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hola! Me llamo Salina y tengo 18 años. Me encanta la música. Trabajaremos juntos para conseguir y llegar a tu goal !! |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study here in Japan. I want to use my ability of speaking Spanish to not forget and I want many people to love this language. |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
メキシコに興味がある方に喜んで教える |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
スペイン語を楽しく覚えよう |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
メキシコに興味がある方に喜んで教える |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hello! My name is Fernando. I have experience working in international companies; If it's your dream to live and work abroad, I can give you some tips that may help you in your f... |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Permiteme ense?arte espa?ol Y demostrarte que es un idioma facil de entender y de lograr d?jame mostrarte la bella cultura latinoamericana y estudiar idioma espa?ol. 一緒に頑張りましょう... |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
みんなさん こんにちは、 始めまして、私はほせです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。 コロンビアのボゴタから来ました。スペイン語と英語とフランス語おしえたい。 言語を勉強してがんばりましょう。 ほせ |
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