スペイン語教室 > スペイン語先生一覧 > 神奈川県 > 相模原市南区
スペイン語教室 相模原市南区カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
相模原市南区 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3126 Sonia Mino / 先生
更新日時 |
2024/01/30 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Quito / 中級 |
居住地 |
神奈川県 相模原市南区 |
最寄駅 |
小田急相模原 |
希望駅 |
小田急線:町田 相模大野 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Position: Consultant
March 2013-October 2013
Key duties included:
oMarket research for the introduction of Ecuadorian products in Japan
oInterpreting data, formulating reports and making recommendations based upon the research findings
Position: Accounts Receivable Accountant
August 2001 - September 2002
Key duties included:
oPreparation of financial analysis reports and Accounts Receivable module.
oSupervision of invoices to vendors.
oPreparation and analysis of ‘aging reports’.
oRegistration and control of advanced employee payments.
oSupervision of petty cash.
oCreation and development of Accounts Receivable policies.
oCollection of Accounts Receivable monies.
oImplementation of Accounts Receivable, GD Edwards Module.
oImprove internal controls for Accounts Receivable GD Edwards Module.
Position: Accounts Receivable Supervisor
July 2000 ? August 2001
Key duties included:
oSupervision of all the activities related with accounts receivable module.
Position: SAP Leader Andean Region (Accounts Receivable Section)
September 2000 ? August 2001
Key duties included:
oProvision of solutions to problems arising within the SAP system affecting Accounts Receivable Module involving financial, legal, and internal control aspects within Venezuela, Colombia, Chile and Ecuador.
Position: Leader of SAP Implementation (Accounts Receivables Module)
January 2000 ? July 2000
Key duties included:
oManagement and supervision of all activities related to the implementation of SAP Accounts Receivable module.
oManagement of Internal Control issues (chiefly financial and legal issues)
Position: Accounting Analyst
October 1999 ? December 1999
Key duties included:
oPreparation of financial analysis reports for client accounts.
oCalculation and management of payments of government taxes.
Position: Supervisor
March 1999 ? September 1999
Key duties included:
oCross-reference registered business numbers to corporate tax payments.
Position: Financial and Commercial Position
January 1998 ? March 1999
Key duties included:
oBeing an active team player, performing diverse roles in numerous financial and commercial activities in various divisions within this firm.
Position: Financial Analyst
February 1997 - May 1997
Key duties included:
oPreparation of budgets and financial forecasts.
oPreparation and analysis of real expenses in monthly budgets.
oPreparation of financial reports to partners.
oEstablishment and management of database for financial reporting to departmental managers.
Position: Treasury Analyst
July 1995 - January 1997
Key duties included:
oPreparation of monthly ‘cash calls’.
oPreparation of daily short-run investments and weekly bank reconciliations.
oAnalysis and supervision of payments to vendors.
oManagement of petty cash.
oRegistration and control of advanced payments to employees.
Position: Assistant Auditor
February 1994 - July 1995
Key duties included:
oPerform field work on audits for several major clients.
Panama Services Corporation ? Kobe Japan.
Administrative Assistant/ Translator March 2006 ? March 2010
Apr 2006-Mar 2012 PhD Candidate
Monbukagakusho (MEXT)Scholarship.
Ritsumeikan University-Japan
Graduate School of Business Administration. International Marketing Division.
Apr 2004-Mar 2006Master in Economics.
Monbukagakusho (MEXT)Scholarship.
Kobe University ? Japan
Graduate School of Economics
Mar 2003-Mar 2004Research Student.
Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship.
Kobe University ? Japan
Graduate School of Business Administration
Mar 1996-Feb 1998 Commercial Engineer.
Catholic University - Ecuador
Administration and Auditing Faculty
Oct 1991-Feb 1996 Certified Public Accountant.
Catholic University - Ecuador
Administration and Auditing Faculty
CES Japan
Spanish Teacher. December 2009-March 2010
Web Spanish Teacher. July 2014-August 2014
Tsukuba International School. ? Tsukuba Japan.
Camp Counsellor. July 2012
JICA Kobe ? Kobe Japan.
Lecturer in the Course “Training by Country” - December 2009
Panama Services Corporation ? Kobe Japan.
Administrative Assistant/ Translator March 2006 ? March 2010
Cle Ecole Language School
Spanish Teacher.March 2006 - March 2010
Spanish and English Private Teacher - Japanese students
October 2003 - Present
Teacher Assistant Faculty of Cross-Cultural Studies Kobe University
February 2005 ? March 2006
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Position: Consultant
March 2013-October 2013
Key duties included:
oMarket research for the introduction of Ecuadorian products in Japan
oInterpreting data, formulating reports and making recommendations based upon the research findings
Position: Accounts Receivable Accountant
August 2001 - September 2002
Key duties included:
oPreparation of financial analysis reports and Accounts Receivable module.
oSupervision of invoices to vendors.
oPreparation and analysis of ‘aging reports’.
oRegistration and control of advanced employee payments.
oSupervision of petty cash.
oCreation and development of Accounts Receivable policies.
oCollection of Accounts Receivable monies.
oImplementation of Accounts Receivable, GD Edwards Module.
oImprove internal controls for Accounts Receivable GD Edwards Module.
Position: Accounts Receivable Supervisor
July 2000 ? August 2001
Key duties included:
oSupervision of all the activities related with accounts receivable module.
Position: SAP Leader Andean Region (Accounts Receivable Section)
September 2000 ? August 2001
Key duties included:
oProvision of solutions to problems arising within the SAP system affecting Accounts Receivable Module involving financial, legal, and internal control aspects within Venezuela, Colombia, Chile and Ecuador.
Position: Leader of SAP Implementation (Accounts Receivables Module)
January 2000 ? July 2000
Key duties included:
oManagement and supervision of all activities related to the implementation of SAP Accounts Receivable module.
oManagement of Internal Control issues (chiefly financial and legal issues)
Position: Accounting Analyst
October 1999 ? December 1999
Key duties included:
oPreparation of financial analysis reports for client accounts.
oCalculation and management of payments of government taxes.
Position: Supervisor
March 1999 ? September 1999
Key duties included:
oCross-reference registered business numbers to corporate tax payments.
Position: Financial and Commercial Position
January 1998 ? March 1999
Key duties included:
oBeing an active team player, performing diverse roles in numerous financial and commercial activities in various divisions within this firm.
Position: Financial Analyst
February 1997 - May 1997
Key duties included:
oPreparation of budgets and financial forecasts.
oPreparation and analysis of real expenses in monthly budgets.
oPreparation of financial reports to partners.
oEstablishment and management of database for financial reporting to departmental managers.
Position: Treasury Analyst
July 1995 - January 1997
Key duties included:
oPreparation of monthly ‘cash calls’.
oPreparation of daily short-run investments and weekly bank reconciliations.
oAnalysis and supervision of payments to vendors.
oManagement of petty cash.
oRegistration and control of advanced payments to employees.
Position: Assistant Auditor
February 1994 - July 1995
Key duties included:
oPerform field work on audits for several major clients.
Panama Services Corporation ? Kobe Japan.
Administrative Assistant/ Translator March 2006 ? March 2010
Apr 2006-Mar 2012 PhD Candidate
Monbukagakusho (MEXT)Scholarship.
Ritsumeikan University-Japan
Graduate School of Business Administration. International Marketing Division.
Apr 2004-Mar 2006Master in Economics.
Monbukagakusho (MEXT)Scholarship.
Kobe University ? Japan
Graduate School of Economics
Mar 2003-Mar 2004Research Student.
Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship.
Kobe University ? Japan
Graduate School of Business Administration
Mar 1996-Feb 1998 Commercial Engineer.
Catholic University - Ecuador
Administration and Auditing Faculty
Oct 1991-Feb 1996 Certified Public Accountant.
Catholic University - Ecuador
Administration and Auditing Faculty
CES Japan
Spanish Teacher. December 2009-March 2010
Web Spanish Teacher. July 2014-August 2014
Tsukuba International School. ? Tsukuba Japan.
Camp Counsellor. July 2012
JICA Kobe ? Kobe Japan.
Lecturer in the Course “Training by Country” - December 2009
Panama Services Corporation ? Kobe Japan.
Administrative Assistant/ Translator March 2006 ? March 2010
Cle Ecole Language School
Spanish Teacher.March 2006 - March 2010
Spanish and English Private Teacher - Japanese students
October 2003 - Present
Teacher Assistant Faculty of Cross-Cultural Studies Kobe University
February 2005 ? March 2006
相模原市南区 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3635 diego navarro / 先生
更新日時 |
2020/11/23 |
出身/日本語レベル |
pitalito / 中級 |
居住地 |
神奈川県 相模原市南区 |
最寄駅 |
相模大野 |
希望駅 |
山手線:渋谷 新宿 横浜線:矢部 小田急線:新宿 南新宿 代々木上原 下北沢 経堂 登戸 向ヶ丘遊園 読売ランド前 新百合ヶ丘 玉川学園前 町田 相模大野 海老名 本厚木 小田急多摩線:新百合ヶ丘 小田急多摩センター 東急田園都市線:二子玉川 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Through my degree course, I have been able to develop my skills in many areas that made me capable of teaching in a high standard. While at University, and Japanese school I was able to help many foreigners of different ages in their visit to my country and help them to understand the language.
I have a bachelor degree in international business administration and marketing, and my internship was at the Colombian embassy on Japan. thanks to this I received a high standard teaching from my last job
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Through my degree course, I have been able to develop my skills in many areas that made me capable of teaching in a high standard. While at University, and Japanese school I was able to help many foreigners of different ages in their visit to my country and help them to understand the language.
I have a bachelor degree in international business administration and marketing, and my internship was at the Colombian embassy on Japan. thanks to this I received a high standard teaching from my last job