業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生

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町屋 - スペイン語教室カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


スペイン語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -町屋の講師

講師番号 NO. 3792
更新日時 2020/06/17
居住地 東京都 荒川区
最寄駅 町屋
国籍/出身地 スペイン / Murcia
スペイン語講師暦 年月




Hello, everyone:

I'm half American, half Spain Spanish licensed teacher who offers English and Spanish lessons to help whoever wants to learn from a native and practice with him to get more fluent in any of these languages and being able communicate with foreigners without any issue.

I adapt my program to my students needs and requests. My lessons are not just about studying grammar, but also about learning through gaming, speaking, role playing, culture stuff and comparison between English/Spanish/Japanese to make it easy to understand.

I have more than ten years of experience teaching, let's begin!




? Spanish Language and Literature Degree (2013). University of Murcia.
? Master in High Studies: Specialization in Language Teaching (2014). University of Cadiz.
? Master in High School Teaching (2017). University of Murcia.
? Master in Spanish as Second Language (2018). International University Menendez Pelayo.
? Non-verbal language and strategic communication (2010, University of Murcia, 25h).
? Humor benefits and its multiple applications, Practical applications of humor and its benefits and Humor applied to the performance improvement (2009-2011, University of Murcia, 140h).
? Oratory and Rhetoric III and V (2010-2011, University of Murcia, 50h)
? Volunteering for people with intellectual disabilities: syndromes, support and behavioural problems (2009-2011, CEOM).
? Humor and phraseology: linguistic contrast (2011-2012, University of Murcia, 50h).
? Phonetic Transcription using the IPA and the RFE systems (2012, University of Murcia, 50h).
? Phraseology, Study of Proverbs and Translation (2013, University of Murcia, 40h).
? Practical Training for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language: advanced and expert levels (2014, Language Center of the University of Cadiz, 100h).
? Spanish didactics and tutelary internship (2014, Instituto Cervantes, 75h).
? Examiner of DELE (Diploma de Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera, ‘Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma’) levels A1 and A2 (2015, Instituto Cervantes, 16h).
? Examiner of DELE (Diploma de Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera, ‘Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma’) levels A2 and B1 for schools (2015, Instituto Cervantes, 16h).
? Examiner of DELE (Diploma de Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera, ‘Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma’) levels B1 and B2 (2015, Instituto Cervantes, 16h).
? Examiner of DELE (Diploma de Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera, ‘Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma’) levels C1 and C2 (2015, Instituto Cervantes, 16h).

Employment and teaching experience:

2008-2020: English language private teacher (on-site, online).
2008-2020: Spanish language private teacher (on-site, online).
2010-2011: Text editor of the material for the courses delivered by professor Fabi?n Grau. University of Murcia.
2011-2018: Annual Japanese Culture Festival of Murcia. Head of section.
2013-2019: Annual Japanese Culture Festival of Cartagena. Head of section.
2014: Intern teacher of Spanish language. Language Center of the University of Cadiz (150h).
2014: Teacher of Spanish language. Language Center of the University of Cadiz (25h).
2015-2018: Examiner of DELE (Diploma de Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera, ‘Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma’) levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 (Instituto Cervantes of Madrid).
2015-2018: freelance text editor.
2016-2017: Intern teacher of Spanish language. Ca?ada de las Eras High School (175h). 2017: University of Seisen “Supeingo no hatsuon ha kantan desu” lecturer (Japan).
2018: Spanish and English languages private teacher (Japan).
2018: May Inc. Company private business Spanish language teacher (Japan).
2018: Chateau International School English and Spanish languages teacher (Japan).
2018: Keywords Studios Spanish LQA (Japan).
2018: TALKERS Cafe Tokyo English conversational teacher (Japan).
2018: Guidable Crew model and PR article writer (Japan).
2019-2020: Berkeley House Spanish language teacher, in collaboration with JICA (Japan).
2020: D.E.S. Spanish Language for Specific Purposes Teacher (Japan).

現在の職業 Teacher
日本滞在歴 2020/04
教える言語 スペイン語
趣 味 Reading, walking, food, cooking, TV dramas, movies, games, sports, music, beach, mountain, hiking, snowboarding, culture, langua
日本語レベル 中級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面


Language teaching





京成本線 日暮里 町屋

山手線 西日暮里 日暮里 上野 秋葉原

千代田線 北千住 町屋 西日暮里 千駄木 湯島 新御茶ノ水 日比谷

Any location until 40 minutes from Machiya Station is acceptable

町屋 近くのカフェでスペイン語を学ぶなら、スペイン語教室ESPAエスパ!

  • カフェで楽しくスペイン語学習!スペイン人講師とマンツーマンレッスンで、スペイン語をマスターしませんか?
  • ここがポイント!
  • 生のスペイン語に触れられる!:スペイン人講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • スペイン文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、スペインの文化や習慣を深く理解し、スペイン旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • あなたにぴったりの学習方法!:希望の教材を使ったり、先生と一緒に教材を選んだり、自分に合った学習方法を見つけることができます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • レッスンは60分3000円~とリーズナブル!60分、90分から自由に時間を選べます。 初心者の方から上級者の方まで、レベルに合わせたレッスンを提供します。
  • まずは無料体験レッスンでお試しください! あなたにぴったりの講師が見つかるまで、何度でも無料で体験レッスンを受講できます。


