I moved to Japan 2 years ago because my husband is working here.
I would like to share my culture.
My name is Liliana, I am mexican.
The best way to learn a language is talking.
Let´s have a Spanish conversation. We can start from daily phrases that help you in your day or if you prefer, we can talk about specific topics. Whatever you need it I will keen on supporting you.
I am waiting for you
There are many material such as books, videos, listening. Depends on each student.
I got a degree in International Business.
I had the opportunity to be a student abroad in the "Universidad Publica de Navarra" (Spain) and Saint Mary´s University of Minnesota (USA).
I worked for Mazda Mexico for about 3 years.
Ever since I've been very close to Japanese people because of my ex colleagues (now friends).
Nowadays I am an English teacher and dancing instructor for an international kindergarten.
現在の職業 | Spanish teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2021/10 |
教える言語 | スペイン語 |
趣 味 | Jogging |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 超上級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス 、検定 、その他 |
\ | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
07:00-08:00 | × | × | × | × | × | × | × |
08:00-12:00 | × | × | × | × | × | ▲ | ▲ |
12:00-17:00 | × | × | × | × | × | ▲ | ▲ |
17:00-22:00 | × | × | × | × | ▲ | ▲ | × |
Automotive & daily conversation
常磐線(上野~取手): 取手 │松戸 │北松戸 │馬橋 │新松戸 │北小金 │南柏 │柏 │北柏 │我孫子
つくばエクスプレス: 南流山 │流山セントラルパーク │流山おおたかの森 │柏の葉キャンパス
常磐線(上野~取手): 上野 │日暮里 │三河島 │南千住 │北千住 │綾瀬 │亀有 │金町
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