業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生

スペイン語教室 > スペイン語先生一覧 > 高崎線 > 北鴻巣


スペイン語教室 北鴻巣カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


北鴻巣 ナバロ ビリー 先生

講師番号 / お名前 NO.3040 Navarro Billy/ナバロ ビリー 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2025/01/30
出身/日本語レベル Peru / 初級
居住地 埼玉県 鴻巣市
最寄駅 鴻巣
希望駅 高崎線:浦和 さいたま新都心 大宮 宮原 上尾 北上尾 桶川 北本 鴻巣 北鴻巣 吹上 行田 熊谷
湘南新宿ライン:浦和 大宮
講師歴 2021年12月

Depending on the student's level, I would use National Geographic textbooks combined with my teaching materials for English.
For Spanish, I would use my teaching materials and the textbooks used by the Instituto Cervantes.



2010 - 2013
2nd. year - Courses taught in English
Pompeu Fabra University - UPF, Barcelona, Spain

2006 - 2007
University of Barcelona - UB, Barcelona, Spain
Escola Universitaria d’Hoteleria i Turisme - CETT, Barcelona, Spain

1995 - 2001
Bachelor's degree in TOURISM
National University of Trujillo, Peru
Degree approved to "Diplomat in Tourism" by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2009

Work Experience

Work Experience

20223– present Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Joytalk)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary school for the 2021-2022 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2022 – 2023 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the same assigned public elementary school as the 2021-2022 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2021 – 2022 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers or assuming their roles in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary school. Fostering students' communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking to communicate in authentic situations in practical English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks such as games, songs, and activities to seize the classes as the platform for English use.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2020 – 2021 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the same assigned public elementary schools as the 2019-2020 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2019 – 2020 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (City Staff)
Assisting the homeroom teachers or assuming their roles in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary schools. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks such as games, songs, and collaborative activities serve as English use platforms.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2018 – 2019 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Heart Corporation)
Assisting the Japanese teachers of English at the assigned public junior high school, delivering lessons in the classroom, and planning the lectures and other language teaching tasks. Coaching students for the 29th English Oratorical Speech and Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Ageo.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

• Spanish - Native Mother Tongue
• English - Native
• Japanese - Beginner

Complementary Education
11/2022 "OPEN Fall 2022 English as a Medium of Instruction MOOC." Ohio University & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "American English Live 15.6 - Opening and Closing Routines for Multi-Level Classrooms." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "American English Live 15.5 - Alternatives to Classroom Debate." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "Divergence in EFL Teaching: Supporting Neurodivergent Students." British Council.
11/2022 "Supporting students who have ADHD." British Council.
11/2022 "Inclusive teaching principles and strategies." British Council.
11/2022 "Creating the inclusive classroom - practical first steps." British Council.
11/2022 "Getting Creative in Low-Resource Contexts" British Council.
10/2022 "Meeting the Challenges of Teaching Literacy to Very Young English Learners" National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "How to teach the best VYL class - Activities, chants and props." British Council.
10/2022 "TeachingEnglish - Focus on professional development." British Council
10/2022 "Creative Strategies to Foster Positive Learning in the Young Classroom." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "American English Live 15.4 - Becoming a News Reporter: A Case Study in Project-Based Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2022 "Ready, Snap, Talk! Engaging Students with Authentic Images." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "American English Live 15.3 - Implementing Peer Assessment in Project-Based Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2022 "Fostering Self-Awareness in the Language Learning Classroom." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "The British Council World Teachers' Day Online Conference." British Council.
09/2022 "American English Live 15.2 - Scaffolding Project-Based Instruction: Supporting Student Success." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2022 "Closing the loop: how to use assessment results to improve learning." Cambridge English Teaching.
09/2022 "Creative Ideas for Continuous Professional Development." British Council.
09/2022 "American English Live 15.1 - Sing Out Loud! Wordplay: Music Resources for English Language Teachers." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2022 "How to build learners' confidence and help them manage their stress when teaching exam classes." British Council.
08/2022 "Sharing Skills for Life – 2022 Summer Webinar." National Geographic Learning Japan.
07/2022 "American English Live 14.6 – Contextualizing English Instructions to Focus on Environmental Issues." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2022 "American English Live 14.5 – Mastering the Multilevel Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.4 – Planning for and Managing Small Group Instruction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.3 – Engage ELLs with Social Emotional Learning through Group Work Activities." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.2 – Understanding Culturally Responsive Social and Emotional Learning in Language Classrooms." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2022 "American English Live 14.1 – Social-Emotional Learning for Multilingual Learners: Fostering Growth." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2022 "Teaching vocabulary to B1 Preliminary for School students." Cambridge Assessment English.
04/2022 "American English Live 13.6 – Accommodating Learning Disabilities in the English Language Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2022 "American English Live 13.5 – "What was it about?" Supporting Text Retelling and Response." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2022 "American English Live 13.4 – Task-Based Reading Activities Using Authentic Materials and Skills." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2022 "American English Live 13.3 – Effective e-reading: Helping Students Stay on Task While Reading Online." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2022 "American English Live 13.2 – Cultural Introductions by Way of Storytelling." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
01/2022 "American English Live 13.1 – Skim, Scan, Run! An Active Approach to Developing Reading Macroskills." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.6 – STEAM-Powered Instruction: Practical Approaches for ELT Educators." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.5 – Getting Started with Project-Based Learning in STEAM." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.4 – Integrating STEAM and English with Oral Language Routines." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2021 "American English Live 12.2 - Activate 21st Century Skills with Board Games in the Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2021 "American English Live 12.1 - Teaching Hospitality and Tourism: Building Leadership, Communication, and Intercultural Awareness." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2021 "American English Live 11.6 - American English Resources for Virtual or Face-to-face Grammar Instruction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2021 "American English Live 11.5 - The Art of the Running Dictation." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2021 "American English Live 11.3 - Beyond "Turn and Talk: Planning Productive Conversation for Learning and Instruction in ELT." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2021 "American English Live 11.2 - Motivating with Gamification: Benefits and Cautions." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2021 "Teaching vocabulary to B1 Preliminary for Schools students, with Claire Ross." Cambridge English Teaching.
05/2021 "American English Live 11.1 -Look Away from the Screen: Making Online Learning Three-Dimensional." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
04/2021 "Encouraging Family Engagement in the Primary and Pre-Primary Years." National Geographic Learning.
04/2021 "The Science of Fun – Our World 2nd Edition, Level 4, Unit 9." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.5 - Differentiating Instruction (Online!) for Equity in Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2021 "Engaging Very Young and Young Learners in Real Communication." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "Helping Students Tackle Complex Texts with Close Reading." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "What does it mean to be alive?" National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.4 -Increasing Students Talk Time in the Online Classroom." America English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2021 "Look at the Bug! – Welcome To Our World 2nd Edition level 1." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.3 - Tips and Activities for Creating a Communicative EFL Classroom Using Online Meeting Software." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2021 "The South Asian Regional Online Conference on Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching" Regional English Language Office -.U.S. Embassy.
02/2021 "American English Live 10.2 – Creating Community Online." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2021 "American English Live 10.1 – Unleashing Your True Teaching Power: Interaction in Online Learning Environments." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
12/2020 "American English Live 9.6 – Discussion Strategies for Meaningful, Effective Conversation Practice." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2020 "American English Live 9.5 – Superpowering Your Lecture: Activities to Engage Learners and Gather Feedback." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 – 11/2020 "OPEN Fall 2020 Professional Development for Teachers Trainers MOOC." Arizona State University, World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
11/2020 "American English Live 9.4 – Amplifying Voice and Choice in the EFL Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 "American English Live 9.3 – Strategic Corrective Feedback in the EFL Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 "American English Live 9.2 – Dynamic Ways to Increase Student-to-Student Interaction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2020 – 06/2020 "Teaching Grammar Communicatively." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
02/2020 – 04/2020 "Using Educational Technology in the English Learning Classroom." Iowa State University & U.S. Department of State.
09/2019 – 10/2019 "Content-based Instruction." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
07/2019 – 08/2019 "Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
04/2019 – 05/2019 "Teaching English to Young Learners." George Mason University & U.S. Department of State.
10/2016 – present "TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now!". Arizona State University – ASU.
06/2016 – 10/2016 "TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now!". Arizona State University – ASU.

▪ The 29th English Oratorical Speech and Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Ageo (2018): 2nd prize in the Recitation Section (2/11) and 3rd prize in the Speech Section (3/21).

▪ Konosu Toastmasters Club and Konosu English Speaking Society (KESS).

Interests and Hobbies
In addition to tourism and English teaching, I am also interested in international business and e-commerce to seize the Internet's benefits and contribute to bettering the world we live in. I enjoy being informed of the technological advances that facilitate access to new knowledge, such as the Massive Open Online Courses – MOOCs. In addition, I love traveling, playing soccer, listening to music, watching movies, and so forth.


My family roots. I am good at teaching.   


I lived in Peru and Spain, so I can teach you Spanish from both sides of Latin America and Spain and explain the differences and similarities between their cultures. Currently, ...

➡ このスペイン語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


My family roots. I am good at teaching.   


Depending on the student's level, I would use National Geographic textbooks combined with my teaching materials for English.
For Spanish, I would use my teaching materials and the textbooks used by the Instituto Cervantes.



2010 - 2013
2nd. year - Courses taught in English
Pompeu Fabra University - UPF, Barcelona, Spain

2006 - 2007
University of Barcelona - UB, Barcelona, Spain
Escola Universitaria d’Hoteleria i Turisme - CETT, Barcelona, Spain

1995 - 2001
Bachelor's degree in TOURISM
National University of Trujillo, Peru
Degree approved to "Diplomat in Tourism" by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2009

Work Experience

Work Experience

20223– present Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Joytalk)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary school for the 2021-2022 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2022 – 2023 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the same assigned public elementary school as the 2021-2022 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2021 – 2022 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers or assuming their roles in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary school. Fostering students' communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking to communicate in authentic situations in practical English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks such as games, songs, and activities to seize the classes as the platform for English use.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2020 – 2021 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the same assigned public elementary schools as the 2019-2020 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks, such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, serve as the platform for using English.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2019 – 2020 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (City Staff)
Assisting the homeroom teachers or assuming their roles in the English language teaching at the assigned public elementary schools. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks such as games, songs, and collaborative activities serve as English use platforms.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2018 – 2019 Assistant Language Teacher – ALT (Heart Corporation)
Assisting the Japanese teachers of English at the assigned public junior high school, delivering lessons in the classroom, and planning the lectures and other language teaching tasks. Coaching students for the 29th English Oratorical Speech and Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Ageo.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

• Spanish - Native Mother Tongue
• English - Native
• Japanese - Beginner

Complementary Education
11/2022 "OPEN Fall 2022 English as a Medium of Instruction MOOC." Ohio University & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "American English Live 15.6 - Opening and Closing Routines for Multi-Level Classrooms." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "American English Live 15.5 - Alternatives to Classroom Debate." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2022 "Divergence in EFL Teaching: Supporting Neurodivergent Students." British Council.
11/2022 "Supporting students who have ADHD." British Council.
11/2022 "Inclusive teaching principles and strategies." British Council.
11/2022 "Creating the inclusive classroom - practical first steps." British Council.
11/2022 "Getting Creative in Low-Resource Contexts" British Council.
10/2022 "Meeting the Challenges of Teaching Literacy to Very Young English Learners" National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "How to teach the best VYL class - Activities, chants and props." British Council.
10/2022 "TeachingEnglish - Focus on professional development." British Council
10/2022 "Creative Strategies to Foster Positive Learning in the Young Classroom." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "American English Live 15.4 - Becoming a News Reporter: A Case Study in Project-Based Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2022 "Ready, Snap, Talk! Engaging Students with Authentic Images." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "American English Live 15.3 - Implementing Peer Assessment in Project-Based Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2022 "Fostering Self-Awareness in the Language Learning Classroom." National Geographic Learning.
10/2022 "The British Council World Teachers' Day Online Conference." British Council.
09/2022 "American English Live 15.2 - Scaffolding Project-Based Instruction: Supporting Student Success." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2022 "Closing the loop: how to use assessment results to improve learning." Cambridge English Teaching.
09/2022 "Creative Ideas for Continuous Professional Development." British Council.
09/2022 "American English Live 15.1 - Sing Out Loud! Wordplay: Music Resources for English Language Teachers." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2022 "How to build learners' confidence and help them manage their stress when teaching exam classes." British Council.
08/2022 "Sharing Skills for Life – 2022 Summer Webinar." National Geographic Learning Japan.
07/2022 "American English Live 14.6 – Contextualizing English Instructions to Focus on Environmental Issues." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2022 "American English Live 14.5 – Mastering the Multilevel Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.4 – Planning for and Managing Small Group Instruction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.3 – Engage ELLs with Social Emotional Learning through Group Work Activities." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2022 "American English Live 14.2 – Understanding Culturally Responsive Social and Emotional Learning in Language Classrooms." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2022 "American English Live 14.1 – Social-Emotional Learning for Multilingual Learners: Fostering Growth." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2022 "Teaching vocabulary to B1 Preliminary for School students." Cambridge Assessment English.
04/2022 "American English Live 13.6 – Accommodating Learning Disabilities in the English Language Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2022 "American English Live 13.5 – "What was it about?" Supporting Text Retelling and Response." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2022 "American English Live 13.4 – Task-Based Reading Activities Using Authentic Materials and Skills." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2022 "American English Live 13.3 – Effective e-reading: Helping Students Stay on Task While Reading Online." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2022 "American English Live 13.2 – Cultural Introductions by Way of Storytelling." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
01/2022 "American English Live 13.1 – Skim, Scan, Run! An Active Approach to Developing Reading Macroskills." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.6 – STEAM-Powered Instruction: Practical Approaches for ELT Educators." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.5 – Getting Started with Project-Based Learning in STEAM." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2021 "American English Live 12.4 – Integrating STEAM and English with Oral Language Routines." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2021 "American English Live 12.2 - Activate 21st Century Skills with Board Games in the Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
09/2021 "American English Live 12.1 - Teaching Hospitality and Tourism: Building Leadership, Communication, and Intercultural Awareness." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2021 "American English Live 11.6 - American English Resources for Virtual or Face-to-face Grammar Instruction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
07/2021 "American English Live 11.5 - The Art of the Running Dictation." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
06/2021 "American English Live 11.3 - Beyond "Turn and Talk: Planning Productive Conversation for Learning and Instruction in ELT." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2021 "American English Live 11.2 - Motivating with Gamification: Benefits and Cautions." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2021 "Teaching vocabulary to B1 Preliminary for Schools students, with Claire Ross." Cambridge English Teaching.
05/2021 "American English Live 11.1 -Look Away from the Screen: Making Online Learning Three-Dimensional." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
04/2021 "Encouraging Family Engagement in the Primary and Pre-Primary Years." National Geographic Learning.
04/2021 "The Science of Fun – Our World 2nd Edition, Level 4, Unit 9." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.5 - Differentiating Instruction (Online!) for Equity in Learning." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2021 "Engaging Very Young and Young Learners in Real Communication." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "Helping Students Tackle Complex Texts with Close Reading." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "What does it mean to be alive?" National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.4 -Increasing Students Talk Time in the Online Classroom." America English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
03/2021 "Look at the Bug! – Welcome To Our World 2nd Edition level 1." National Geographic Learning.
03/2021 "American English Live 10.3 - Tips and Activities for Creating a Communicative EFL Classroom Using Online Meeting Software." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2021 "The South Asian Regional Online Conference on Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching" Regional English Language Office -.U.S. Embassy.
02/2021 "American English Live 10.2 – Creating Community Online." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
02/2021 "American English Live 10.1 – Unleashing Your True Teaching Power: Interaction in Online Learning Environments." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
12/2020 "American English Live 9.6 – Discussion Strategies for Meaningful, Effective Conversation Practice." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
11/2020 "American English Live 9.5 – Superpowering Your Lecture: Activities to Engage Learners and Gather Feedback." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 – 11/2020 "OPEN Fall 2020 Professional Development for Teachers Trainers MOOC." Arizona State University, World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
11/2020 "American English Live 9.4 – Amplifying Voice and Choice in the EFL Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 "American English Live 9.3 – Strategic Corrective Feedback in the EFL Classroom." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
10/2020 "American English Live 9.2 – Dynamic Ways to Increase Student-to-Student Interaction." American English for Educators & U.S. Department of State.
05/2020 – 06/2020 "Teaching Grammar Communicatively." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
02/2020 – 04/2020 "Using Educational Technology in the English Learning Classroom." Iowa State University & U.S. Department of State.
09/2019 – 10/2019 "Content-based Instruction." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
07/2019 – 08/2019 "Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting." World Learning & U.S. Department of State.
04/2019 – 05/2019 "Teaching English to Young Learners." George Mason University & U.S. Department of State.
10/2016 – present "TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now!". Arizona State University – ASU.
06/2016 – 10/2016 "TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now!". Arizona State University – ASU.

▪ The 29th English Oratorical Speech and Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Ageo (2018): 2nd prize in the Recitation Section (2/11) and 3rd prize in the Speech Section (3/21).

▪ Konosu Toastmasters Club and Konosu English Speaking Society (KESS).

Interests and Hobbies
In addition to tourism and English teaching, I am also interested in international business and e-commerce to seize the Internet's benefits and contribute to bettering the world we live in. I enjoy being informed of the technological advances that facilitate access to new knowledge, such as the Massive Open Online Courses – MOOCs. In addition, I love traveling, playing soccer, listening to music, watching movies, and so forth.

北鴻巣 Crespo Cogle Catia 先生

講師番号 / お名前 NO.3350 Catia Crespo /Crespo Cogle Catia 先生
更新日時 2023/08/29
出身/日本語レベル Cuba / 上級
居住地 埼玉県 さいたま市大宮区
最寄駅 深谷
希望駅 高崎線:大宮 宮原 上尾 北上尾 桶川 北本 鴻巣 北鴻巣 吹上 行田 熊谷 籠原 深谷 岡部 本庄
講師歴 2010年4月

Various materials.


University of Havana
RCS Corporation


I came to study at two Japanese Universities. I am a Spanish speaker so I am interested in promoting my mother tongue.


みんなさん初めまして! 私はカティアクレスポコグレと申します。キューバから来ました。日本の大学で勉強して、今先生として、働いています。スペイン語か英語を勉強しましょう!

➡ このスペイン語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to study at two Japanese Universities. I am a Spanish speaker so I am interested in promoting my mother tongue.


Various materials.


University of Havana
RCS Corporation




  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生のスペイン語に触れられる!:スペイン人講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • スペイン文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、スペインの文化や習慣を深く理解し、スペイン旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、スペイン語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、スペイン文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しくスペイン語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
