スペイン語教室 > スペイン語先生一覧 > 丸ノ内線 > 銀座
スペイン語教室 銀座カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
銀座 マンザノベタンコート アレハンドロ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.4008 Manzano Betancourt Alejandro/ マンザノベタンコート アレハンドロ 先生
更新日時 |
2025/02/08 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Puerto Rico / 初級 |
居住地 |
東京都 杉並区 |
最寄駅 |
南阿佐ケ谷 |
希望駅 |
山手線:新宿 池袋 秋葉原 丸ノ内線:東京 銀座 霞ケ関 国会議事堂前 赤坂見附 四ツ谷 四谷三丁目 新宿御苑前 新宿三丁目 新宿 西新宿 中野坂上 新中野 東高円寺 新高円寺 南阿佐ケ谷 |
講師歴 |
2022年2月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I adapt my educational material depending on your needs.
From traditional textbooks to more casual and modern methods all with the goal of helping you effectively learnt the language and enjoy doing it as well.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Working in Japan as English Instructor since 2024
Working in Puerto Rico as a High School teacher (mostly in History) from 2022 to 2024
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan to study the Educational System. I want to learn how people become educated here so I can become a better teacher in the future.
I teach languages because they are the key to living new experiences and learning new things we can not in our native language.
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan to study the Educational System. I want to learn how people become educated here so I can become a better teacher in the future.
I teach languages because they are the key to living new experiences and learning new things we can not in our native language.
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I adapt my educational material depending on your needs.
From traditional textbooks to more casual and modern methods all with the goal of helping you effectively learnt the language and enjoy doing it as well.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Working in Japan as English Instructor since 2024
Working in Puerto Rico as a High School teacher (mostly in History) from 2022 to 2024
銀座 クマガイ リリアーナ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3434 Liliana Kumagai /クマガイ リリアーナ 先生
更新日時 |
2025/01/28 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Peru / 中級 |
居住地 |
東京都 江戸川区 |
最寄駅 |
葛西臨海公園 |
希望駅 |
丸ノ内線:御茶ノ水 大手町 東京 銀座 都営大江戸線:大門 赤羽橋 六本木 青山一丁目 都営浅草線:大門 新橋 日本橋 都営三田線:大手町 神保町 都営新宿線:九段下 神保町 小川町 岩本町 馬喰横山 浜町 森下 |
講師歴 |
2025年1月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
銀座 トロンコソ マルティン 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3945 Troncoso Martin/トロンコソ マルティン 先生
更新日時 |
2024/07/26 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Peru / 上級 |
居住地 |
千葉県 習志野市 |
最寄駅 |
津田沼 |
希望駅 |
山手線:東京 武蔵野線:東松戸 市川大野 船橋法典 西船橋 中央・総武線:新宿 市ケ谷 飯田橋 錦糸町 市川 本八幡 西船橋 船橋 東船橋 津田沼 幕張本郷 幕張 新検見川 総武本線:東京 錦糸町 |
講師歴 |
2020年9月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3662 Kazuo Nakabushi / 先生
更新日時 |
2023/12/08 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Lima / 初級 |
居住地 |
東京都 豊島区 |
最寄駅 |
あざみ野 |
希望駅 |
銀座線:銀座 渋谷 丸ノ内線:東京 銀座 日比谷線:銀座 六本木 有楽町線:千川 要町 池袋 東池袋 銀座一丁目 副都心線:千川 要町 池袋 雑司が谷 西早稲田 東新宿 新宿三丁目 北参道 明治神宮前〈原宿〉 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I studied in the university the career of administration and international business, I did teaching courses, I attended courses on teaching children and adults, I gave private classes in my country.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I studied in the university the career of administration and international business, I did teaching courses, I attended courses on teaching children and adults, I gave private classes in my country.
銀座 マルコス ゴンザレス ベルメホ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3821 Marcos Gonzalez Bermejo /マルコス ゴンザレス ベルメホ 先生
更新日時 |
2023/12/07 |
出身/日本語レベル |
スペイン / 中級 |
居住地 |
東京都 杉並区 |
最寄駅 |
荻窪 |
希望駅 |
中央線(快速):東京 四ツ谷 新宿 吉祥寺 中央・総武線:吉祥寺 西荻窪 荻窪 阿佐ケ谷 高円寺 中野 東中野 大久保 新宿 代々木 四ツ谷 丸ノ内線:池袋 銀座 赤坂見附 四ツ谷 四谷三丁目 |
講師歴 |
2019年12月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I provide my own materials.
I adapt to the student method ( books, classes, etc)
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Postgrad for Teaching of Spanish in foreign language.
International House Madrid/ University of Barcelona.
Spanish as foreign language teacher (Curso de Profesor de ELE).
International House Madrid/ University of Barcelona.
Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL Qualifi Level 5 )
Currently studying. Estimated time of achievement: End of Summer.
Grammar course for ELE teachers (Curso de gram?tica para profesores de ELE)
International House Madrid
Art and Inquiry: Museum Teaching Strategies For Your Classroom
The Museum of Modern Art
Postgrad in Pedagogic Aptitude at Complutense University (CAP)
License for being a high school teacher.
Includes practises.
Bachelor in Art History
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
English (Fluent), Italian (Fluent), Japanese (Conversational), Spanish (Native)
Hootsuite Hootsuite Media Inc - Trainer/Instructor/Implementation
London - Feb 2017 to Apr 2018
Key responsibilities and skills as Trainer/Instructor/Implementation ( In Spanish, English and Italian) include: - Project lead and implement Hootsuite project roll outs including project management, training program design, training delivery and follow up to ensure users are provided with all tools and resources needed.
Hootsuite Media Inc - Customer Advocate
London - Dec 2014 to Feb 2017
In both Spanish and English act as a first-line technical and billing contact. I supported a 15+ million-strong client base worldwide across social media channels providing a consistent and helpful assistance, liaising with our development team to guarantee the best communication between customers and Hootsuite. Crysis identification and trigger crysis protocol.
Historic Royal Palaces - Education Department Volunteer
London- Mar 2012 to 2016
Wellcome Team: Information, crowd managements Promote Museum Services, including Membership policies Events Assistant
Education Department. Learning activities support primary with kids.
Design Yourself- Social Media Specialist
London/Madrid - May 2014 to Feb 2015
Keep Social Media Activity Vibrant Strategy for getting a deeper impact and a wider spread.
Lebara Mobile-Administrative Assistant
London/Madrid- 2012 to Dec 2014
Dealing with customer requests in different languages by phone, email, chat... Social Media.
Administration and Translations, Complaints dealing Technical problems solution.
Software Training for new Agents
PongoStyle Magazine- London Correspondent
London - Dec 2011 to May 2013
Contents Editor and Writer. Photographer. Community Manager
OISE Group- Spanish Teacher
Madrid- March 2011 to May 2011
Spanish language teacher for students from all over the World
All levels
AXA Insurances- Administrative/ Sales/ Customer Care
Madrid- Feb 2009 to May 2011
Position based on contributing to reach company goals, in sales, quality service and customer satisfaction.
Instituto de desarrollo Empresarial- MS Office Online Teacher
Madrid- 2008 to 2008
Design tailored exercices and give answer to to students Questions
Follow up with student progress during course development to ensure they get the most of the course.
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study japanese, and live in a country completely different to mine
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I wanted to study japanese, and live in a country completely different to mine
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I provide my own materials.
I adapt to the student method ( books, classes, etc)
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Postgrad for Teaching of Spanish in foreign language.
International House Madrid/ University of Barcelona.
Spanish as foreign language teacher (Curso de Profesor de ELE).
International House Madrid/ University of Barcelona.
Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL Qualifi Level 5 )
Currently studying. Estimated time of achievement: End of Summer.
Grammar course for ELE teachers (Curso de gram?tica para profesores de ELE)
International House Madrid
Art and Inquiry: Museum Teaching Strategies For Your Classroom
The Museum of Modern Art
Postgrad in Pedagogic Aptitude at Complutense University (CAP)
License for being a high school teacher.
Includes practises.
Bachelor in Art History
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
English (Fluent), Italian (Fluent), Japanese (Conversational), Spanish (Native)
Hootsuite Hootsuite Media Inc - Trainer/Instructor/Implementation
London - Feb 2017 to Apr 2018
Key responsibilities and skills as Trainer/Instructor/Implementation ( In Spanish, English and Italian) include: - Project lead and implement Hootsuite project roll outs including project management, training program design, training delivery and follow up to ensure users are provided with all tools and resources needed.
Hootsuite Media Inc - Customer Advocate
London - Dec 2014 to Feb 2017
In both Spanish and English act as a first-line technical and billing contact. I supported a 15+ million-strong client base worldwide across social media channels providing a consistent and helpful assistance, liaising with our development team to guarantee the best communication between customers and Hootsuite. Crysis identification and trigger crysis protocol.
Historic Royal Palaces - Education Department Volunteer
London- Mar 2012 to 2016
Wellcome Team: Information, crowd managements Promote Museum Services, including Membership policies Events Assistant
Education Department. Learning activities support primary with kids.
Design Yourself- Social Media Specialist
London/Madrid - May 2014 to Feb 2015
Keep Social Media Activity Vibrant Strategy for getting a deeper impact and a wider spread.
Lebara Mobile-Administrative Assistant
London/Madrid- 2012 to Dec 2014
Dealing with customer requests in different languages by phone, email, chat... Social Media.
Administration and Translations, Complaints dealing Technical problems solution.
Software Training for new Agents
PongoStyle Magazine- London Correspondent
London - Dec 2011 to May 2013
Contents Editor and Writer. Photographer. Community Manager
OISE Group- Spanish Teacher
Madrid- March 2011 to May 2011
Spanish language teacher for students from all over the World
All levels
AXA Insurances- Administrative/ Sales/ Customer Care
Madrid- Feb 2009 to May 2011
Position based on contributing to reach company goals, in sales, quality service and customer satisfaction.
Instituto de desarrollo Empresarial- MS Office Online Teacher
Madrid- 2008 to 2008
Design tailored exercices and give answer to to students Questions
Follow up with student progress during course development to ensure they get the most of the course.
銀座 アンヘレス ホルヘ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3909 Angeles Jorge /アンヘレス ホルヘ 先生
更新日時 |
2023/11/06 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Mexico / 上級 |
居住地 |
東京都 葛飾区 |
最寄駅 |
京成高砂 |
希望駅 |
山手線:目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 上野 御徒町 秋葉原 神田 新橋 中央本線(東京~塩尻):東京 四ツ谷 新宿 国分寺 |
講師歴 |
2015年8月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
Así hablamos , cualquier libro de español que sea de tu agrado
みんなの日本語, podemos aprender a la inversa de japonés a español 日本語からスペイン語へ勉強が便利だね
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Trabaje como profesor de japonés en la universidad del estado de México durante más de tres años y 1 año como profesor privado
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
Deseo hacer más amigos y compartir la cultura de México
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
Deseo hacer más amigos y compartir la cultura de México
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
Así hablamos , cualquier libro de español que sea de tu agrado
みんなの日本語, podemos aprender a la inversa de japonés a español 日本語からスペイン語へ勉強が便利だね
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Trabaje como profesor de japonés en la universidad del estado de México durante más de tres años y 1 año como profesor privado
銀座 ハチウマ アンケイコ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3937 Hachiuma Ann Keiko/ハチウマ アンケイコ 先生
更新日時 |
2023/08/24 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Uruguay / 初級 |
居住地 |
東京都 練馬区 |
最寄駅 |
豊島園 |
希望駅 |
山手線:目黒 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 池袋 大塚 西日暮里 日暮里 上野 秋葉原 東京 新橋 浜松町 中央線(快速):東京 新宿 西武池袋線:池袋 東長崎 桜台 |
講師歴 |
2022年5月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I believe in creating an enjoyable learning experience for my students. I tailor my lessons to meet their specific needs and interests. In the initial sessions, I take the time to understand their motivation for learning the language
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I have over nine years of experience training people as a Foreign Trade Manager. In terms of education, I hold a degree in Foreign Trade Analysis. I also underwent specialized training in Business Management through the Overseas Vocational Training Association (OVTA) under JICA in Chiba, Japan. As a teacher, I am committed to creating an engaging and tailored learning experience for my students.
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came in search of new professional challenges. Additionally, I wanted to learn more about Japanese culture since my mother is Japanese and I hadn't had the opportunity to live in Japan before.
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I came in search of new professional challenges. Additionally, I wanted to learn more about Japanese culture since my mother is Japanese and I hadn't had the opportunity to live in Japan before.
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
I believe in creating an enjoyable learning experience for my students. I tailor my lessons to meet their specific needs and interests. In the initial sessions, I take the time to understand their motivation for learning the language
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I have over nine years of experience training people as a Foreign Trade Manager. In terms of education, I hold a degree in Foreign Trade Analysis. I also underwent specialized training in Business Management through the Overseas Vocational Training Association (OVTA) under JICA in Chiba, Japan. As a teacher, I am committed to creating an engaging and tailored learning experience for my students.
銀座 アーメド フェローズ 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3934 Ahmed Feroz/アーメド フェローズ 先生
更新日時 |
2023/06/05 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Bangladesh / 中級 |
居住地 |
東京都 葛飾区 |
最寄駅 |
新小岩 |
希望駅 |
中央線(快速):東京 神田 御茶ノ水 四ツ谷 新宿 三鷹 中央・総武線:三鷹 中野 新宿 代々木 千駄ケ谷 信濃町 四ツ谷 市ケ谷 飯田橋 水道橋 御茶ノ水 秋葉原 浅草橋 両国 |
講師歴 |
2013年1月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
Language is always fun way to remember and learn. I will use different online materials and text books for teaching
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Japanese elementary, senior, junior high schools' event attending crash program of English learning, Learning, teaching Spanish at Catalan centro de civic.
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I mainly enjoy all cultures at abroad. I believe language can make anyone very closer to the culture of any nation. From that motivation, I started to learn Spanish and really love to teach students in English
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I mainly enjoy all cultures at abroad. I believe language can make anyone very closer to the culture of any nation. From that motivation, I started to learn Spanish and really love to teach students in English
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
Language is always fun way to remember and learn. I will use different online materials and text books for teaching
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Japanese elementary, senior, junior high schools' event attending crash program of English learning, Learning, teaching Spanish at Catalan centro de civic.
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3580 Francesc Sola / 先生
更新日時 |
2021/11/17 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Barcelona / 中級 |
居住地 |
千葉県 市川市 |
最寄駅 |
南行徳 |
希望駅 |
山手線:新宿 池袋 武蔵野線:西船橋 中央・総武線:中野 新宿 西船橋 船橋 東船橋 津田沼 幕張本郷 幕張 新検見川 稲毛 西千葉 千葉 総武本線:市川 船橋 京葉線:新浦安 市川塩浜 西船橋 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I did private lessons of catalan, spanish, english, maths, history,...to teenagers between 12-18 years old. Also i did catalan and spanish conversation lessons to adult foreign persons in Spain.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
I did private lessons of catalan, spanish, english, maths, history,...to teenagers between 12-18 years old. Also i did catalan and spanish conversation lessons to adult foreign persons in Spain.
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3641 Josemaria Carretero Tomas / 先生
更新日時 |
2021/10/16 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Barcelona / 初級 |
居住地 |
東京都 中央区 |
最寄駅 |
新富町 |
希望駅 |
丸ノ内線:東京 銀座 日比谷線:築地 銀座 有楽町線:新富町 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Teaching during high school private classes.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Teaching during high school private classes.
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3495 Clara Nakazato / 先生
更新日時 |
2021/08/17 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Caracas / 中級 |
居住地 |
東京都 新宿区 |
最寄駅 |
四谷三丁目 |
希望駅 |
中央・総武線:新宿 信濃町 銀座線:日本橋 銀座 虎ノ門 溜池山王 表参道 丸ノ内線:銀座 赤坂見附 四谷三丁目 日比谷線:神谷町 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
IBM JAPAN and IBM USA : Finance
Nissan Motors : Marketing
Teaching English and Spanish
Education BS in business administration
Master's degree in economics
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
IBM JAPAN and IBM USA : Finance
Nissan Motors : Marketing
Teaching English and Spanish
Education BS in business administration
Master's degree in economics
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.2582 Jorge Z. / 先生
更新日時 |
2019/02/17 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Brisbane / 上級 |
居住地 |
東京都 江戸川区 |
最寄駅 |
西葛西 |
希望駅 |
山手線:神田 東京 有楽町 銀座線:日本橋 京橋 銀座 新橋 丸ノ内線:大手町 東京 銀座 日比谷線:茅場町 東銀座 銀座 日比谷 東西線:大手町 日本橋 茅場町 門前仲町 木場 東陽町 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
- 6 Years in a College environment.
- One-on-one and groups (20-40).
- Conversational, Business, Technical, Textbook-based etc lessons.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
- 6 Years in a College environment.
- One-on-one and groups (20-40).
- Conversational, Business, Technical, Textbook-based etc lessons.
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3606 Hugo Palacin Jordan / 先生
更新日時 |
2018/04/06 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Zaragoza / 初級 |
居住地 |
東京都 新宿区 |
最寄駅 |
曙橋 |
希望駅 |
山手線:渋谷 新宿 丸ノ内線:東京 銀座 霞ケ関 国会議事堂前 四ツ谷 四谷三丁目 新宿三丁目 新宿 都営新宿線:新宿 新宿三丁目 曙橋 市ヶ谷 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
The Cervantes Institute Tokyo ? Intern 01/2018 - current
- Creating new content for social media every day and increased the number of followers by over 500 followers in 2 months
- Promoting Cultural Activities on social media, which have all ended up exceeding the maximum number of participants
- Logistical support for events with embassies, international artists and cultural workers
S?stago Palace (Provincial Council of Zaragoza, Spain) ? Room staff and guide 10/2017 - 01/2018
- Tourist Guide of the Palace and the exhibitions, adapting myself to different groups: the public, schools and institutions (politicians, senior managers, artists, etc.)
River Vero Cultural Park (Huesca, Spain) ? Research Intern 04/2017 - 07/2017
- Tourist management and analytic investigation of the market through surveys and visitor profiles, to understand the weak points of the park and to suggest improvements. My results have been published in several articles and I obtained the Extraordinary Prize in my Master’s Program
- Guided tours on the cave art there that has been registered as an UNESCO world heritage site (Vero River ravine)
ACEEPT Project Week (University of Zaragoza) ? Staff and tour leader 11/2016
- Organizer and leader of a project compromised of 10 universtities and students of 20 nationalities
Erasmus Student Network organisation in Zaragoza (Spain) ? Board of directors and tour leader 09/2012 - 07/2016
- Spokesperson responsible of travels and culture: organizing cultural activities, events and trips in Spain.
- Worked as a professional accountant, event manager, historian, conflict resolution manager, tax and currency expert and public speaker for over 150 people
Zaragoza City Council (Spain) ? Tourist guide 10/2010 - 12/2010 and 10/2012 - 12/2012
- Guided tours of the city and inside widely known monuments and buildings for a group of 50 people
- Information desk staff at tourist offices and assisting bus tours. Promoting and selling Zaragoza tour passes
Archaeological campaigns in Spain and Italy ? Archaeologist Every summer from 2009 - 2015
- Archaeological work for over 2,000 hours with universities and institutions of Spain, Italy and England
- Managing excavation sites and training students for physically challenging work in adverse weather conditions
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
The Cervantes Institute Tokyo ? Intern 01/2018 - current
- Creating new content for social media every day and increased the number of followers by over 500 followers in 2 months
- Promoting Cultural Activities on social media, which have all ended up exceeding the maximum number of participants
- Logistical support for events with embassies, international artists and cultural workers
S?stago Palace (Provincial Council of Zaragoza, Spain) ? Room staff and guide 10/2017 - 01/2018
- Tourist Guide of the Palace and the exhibitions, adapting myself to different groups: the public, schools and institutions (politicians, senior managers, artists, etc.)
River Vero Cultural Park (Huesca, Spain) ? Research Intern 04/2017 - 07/2017
- Tourist management and analytic investigation of the market through surveys and visitor profiles, to understand the weak points of the park and to suggest improvements. My results have been published in several articles and I obtained the Extraordinary Prize in my Master’s Program
- Guided tours on the cave art there that has been registered as an UNESCO world heritage site (Vero River ravine)
ACEEPT Project Week (University of Zaragoza) ? Staff and tour leader 11/2016
- Organizer and leader of a project compromised of 10 universtities and students of 20 nationalities
Erasmus Student Network organisation in Zaragoza (Spain) ? Board of directors and tour leader 09/2012 - 07/2016
- Spokesperson responsible of travels and culture: organizing cultural activities, events and trips in Spain.
- Worked as a professional accountant, event manager, historian, conflict resolution manager, tax and currency expert and public speaker for over 150 people
Zaragoza City Council (Spain) ? Tourist guide 10/2010 - 12/2010 and 10/2012 - 12/2012
- Guided tours of the city and inside widely known monuments and buildings for a group of 50 people
- Information desk staff at tourist offices and assisting bus tours. Promoting and selling Zaragoza tour passes
Archaeological campaigns in Spain and Italy ? Archaeologist Every summer from 2009 - 2015
- Archaeological work for over 2,000 hours with universities and institutions of Spain, Italy and England
- Managing excavation sites and training students for physically challenging work in adverse weather conditions
銀座 先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3218 Ximena Criales / 先生
更新日時 |
2015/04/27 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Mexico city / 中級 |
居住地 |
東京都 豊島区 |
最寄駅 |
新大塚 |
希望駅 |
丸ノ内線:池袋 新大塚 茗荷谷 後楽園 本郷三丁目 御茶ノ水 淡路町 大手町 東京 銀座 日比谷線:銀座 日比谷 霞ケ関 虎ノ門ヒルズ 神谷町 |
講師歴 |
年月 |
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Private Spanish teacher for beginner students and conversational lessons.
From 2011-2014
I speak Italian too, I've never taught but I can help with conversational lessons.
学歴・職歴・スペイン語関連資格 |
Private Spanish teacher for beginner students and conversational lessons.
From 2011-2014
I speak Italian too, I've never taught but I can help with conversational lessons.