スペイン語教室 > スペイン語先生一覧 > 日比谷線 > 八丁堀
スペイン語教室 八丁堀カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I like talking to people and helping them to bring their potential, being able to express themselves with their own ideas and point of view. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Welcome to all students that want to learn Spanish in an easy and fun way. |
日本に来たきっかけと、スペイン語講師になったきっかけ |
I like talking to people and helping them to bring their potential, being able to express themselves with their own ideas and point of view. |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hello everyone / Hola a todos !! I'm really willing to help you to learn or improve your Spanish, I really enjoy teaching and I hope we could start soon!! Spanish is easy, so... |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
日本で育ったペルー国籍のカルラです! 一所懸命、楽しく、分かりやすいスペイン語を教えたいと思っておりますでよろしくお願いします。 |
スペイン語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Hola, vamos a practicar espanol! I have a passion for different cultures and languages. Having lived and worked in many countries such as Peru, Brazil and Canada. I would love to... |
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