業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なスペイン語先生

スペイン語教室 > 講師一覧 > 東京都 > 杉並区

スペイン語教室 > 講師一覧 > 西武新宿線 > 上井草

上井草 - スペイン語教室カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


スペイン語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -上井草の講師

講師番号 NO. 3921
更新日時 2023/02/06
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 上井草
国籍/出身地 アルゼンチン / アルゼンチン
スペイン語講師暦 2019年6月



I came to Japan because I liked since I was a kid and I wanted to improve my Japanese and knowledge about the country.
I want to become a Spanish and English teacher for kids because it is something I'm used to do in my home country and also really love working with children and see how they improve.
While I was studying fashion at university I also taught the basic subjects of design careers as a teacher and as an assistant.


Hello, my name is Anto and I'm looking forward to teach and learn along with my new students. The classes will be adapted to the tastes and needs of each student in order to motivate them to continue learning.
My teaching style is more didactic and fun, leaving the methodic way aside, to help my students formulate their own stories and little by little improve their languages skills, since books are sometimes confusing and not at all natural when speaking.


In my Spanish lessons I'll use books endorsed by the Royal Spanish Academy and in English the books endorsed by Cambridge.
The classes will be adapted to the tastes and needs of each student in order to motivate them to continue learning.
However, we will use story books, interactive videos and games yo help them to really understand everything besides the grammar that school books have.
We will concentrate in the oral, reading and writing comprehension, where the students will read out and answer questions about the books or activities we will do and also make their own stories to improve their gramatical and vocabulary skills.


I have experience teaching in kindergarten and a primary school and also used to work as a private teacher in Argentina.
I used to teach English in a bilingual kindergarten and as a support teacher in primary school to help them with their homework and studies after their classes.
Also I worked as a private Spanish teacher for foreigners specially for foreigners kids to help them comunicate in their new environment and country





現在の職業 Student, part time worker
日本滞在歴 2022/12
教える言語 スペイン語 、英語
趣 味 Watching anime, drawing, reading
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 子供
教えるレベル 基礎 、初心者
教える内容 日常会話 、その他


I'm specialized in every day conversation for kids to help them to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation, since my mother languages are both Spanish and English.
I also offer basic level private lessons for children and help my students with their homework.

上井草 近くのカフェでスペイン語を学ぶなら、スペイン語教室ESPAエスパ!

  • カフェで楽しくスペイン語学習!スペイン人講師とマンツーマンレッスンで、スペイン語をマスターしませんか?
  • ここがポイント!
  • 生のスペイン語に触れられる!:スペイン人講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • スペイン文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、スペインの文化や習慣を深く理解し、スペイン旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • あなたにぴったりの学習方法!:希望の教材を使ったり、先生と一緒に教材を選んだり、自分に合った学習方法を見つけることができます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • レッスンは60分3000円~とリーズナブル!60分、90分から自由に時間を選べます。 初心者の方から上級者の方まで、レベルに合わせたレッスンを提供します。
  • まずは無料体験レッスンでお試しください! あなたにぴったりの講師が見つかるまで、何度でも無料で体験レッスンを受講できます。


